Zhao Lei

Zhao Lei is #7 in R1SE Members Profile & Vote

Zhao Lei, born on January 1, 1999 in Xiamen, Fujian Province, is a male singer and a member of the men's singing group R1SE in China. He studied at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music [1] . In November 2015, as a player, he participated in the Zhejiang Satellite TV " Burning Boys " program. In April 2016, he participated in the campus constellation super-powered online drama " Super Star Academy " [2] ; in September of the same year, he joined the "X玖 Youth League" as the lead singer [3] ; Launched the digital album of the same name " X玖 " [4] ; on December 10 of the same year, with the X玖 Youth League, the Tencent Video Starlight Awards "Year of Youth Men's Team Award" [5] . On April 2, 2017, the Shanghai concert was held in the name of “The Name of Oneself” [6] ; in September of the same year, the performance of the costume drama “Oh! My Emperor Majesty" [7] . In January 2018, the second album " Keep Online " was released with the combination [8] ; on October 4th of the same year, the "Keep Online" Hangzhou concert was held with the combination [9] . In 2019, he participated in the Tencent Video Youth Youth Training Program " Creation Camp 2019 " and finally joined the men's team R1SE in the 10th place [10] .

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